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C++ If-Else

Here is an example of if-else statement:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
	int opt;
	cout << "Main Menu\n"
		<< "=========\n"
		<< "1. Calculator\n"
		<< "2. Temp Converter\n"
		<< "3. Exit program\n"
		<< "Enter your selection (1,2,3): ";
	cin >> opt;

	if (opt == 1)
		cout << "You selected option 1 - Calculator.";
	else if (opt == 2)
		cout << "you selected option 2 - Temp Converter.";
	else if (opt == 3)
		cout << "You selected option 3 - the program will end now";
		cout << "Invalid input. Please restart program.";
	return 0;
