Lab - Running and Exploring Cloudera Quickstart VM Go to Select the Virtualization software (Virtual Box) and click GET IT NOW button. Fill out the form and accept the agreement to download the VM. Uncompress the zip file Doubleclick on the Cloudera-quickstart-vm-5.13.0-0-virtualbox file Review the suggested setting of the VM and click import When requested, unblock any features blocked by windows firewall. Open Terminal → Type hadoop version → press Enter. Note the version of hadoop. Maximise the virtual machine window. Double click on the cloudera’s home folder. Observe the workspace folder used by eclipse. Double click on the eclipse. Explore the workspace, note the number of Hadoop libraries available for you. Open firefox. Provides a quick access to Cloudera Live. In the Getting Started page, click on Start Tutorial → click Getting Started → click Tutorial Exercise ...
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