Logical Modelling and decision tables
Logical modelling involves modelling internal structure and functionality of a process. Decision tables are useful in logical modelling. Decision tables show logic inside a process, action(s) that needs to be taken when a condition or a set of conditions are satisfied.
Use of decision tables
- used by developers to identify any discrepancies in business rules (Tarlinder 2016).
- used for customer support in telecom industry to provide an optimal plan based on the customer's usage (Singh 2015).
- used in SAP HANA to specify business rules (Singh 2015)
- Used in Model based testing as inputs (Kramer, Legeard, Bazzana, & Binder, 2016). Business rules in decision table can be converted into arguments for parameterized testing (Tarlinder 2016).
A Decision tables can be created using the following steps:
- Identify conditions
- Identify actions that needs to be carried out when certain conditions are met.
- Create rules - A rule specifies action(s) that needs to be taken when certain condition(s) are met. Consider all possible rules when decision making. Each rules should be independent of the other and should be unique.
- Simplify the decision table
Example: In a specific college, the students are assessed using coursework, Midterm and Final exam. If the students score an average of 50% or more for the exam then their coursework marks is added to the final grade. But if, the average exam marks is less than 50 then the coursework marks is not added to their final grade. If the student has completed at least 75% of the course work and has scored an average of exam that is greater than or equal to 45 and less than 50 then the student is passed with an overall grade of 50%.
The above table can be simplified as shown below:
- Foster, E. C. (2014) Software Engineering: A Methodical Approach, Apress
- Tarlinder, A (2016), Developer Testing: Building Quality into Software, Addison-Wesley Professional.
- Singh, V. (2015), Real Time Analytics with SAP HANA, Packt Publishing.
- Kramer, A., Legeard, B., Bazzana, G., Binder, R. V. (2016), Model-Based Testing Essentials - Guide to the ISTQB Certified Model-Based Tester, John Wiley & Sons
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