1. Open the WCF service application that you created earlier or download start file here . In Service Project 2. Update the OperationContract to include a TransactionFlow attribute. This ensure a transaction is required to invoke the SubmitReview method. [ TransactionFlow ( TransactionFlowOption .Mandatory)] [ OperationContract ] void SubmitReview ( ProductReview pr); 3. In the service implementation for SubmitReview, modify OperationBehavior attribute as shown below: [ OperationBehavior (TransactionScopeRequired = true , TransactionAutoComplete = true )] void IProductService .SubmitReview( ProductReview pr) 4. Add reference to System.Messaging and add using System.Messaging; 5. In addition to writing to an XML file, lets also write to a transactional queue. First we need to create a queue. 6. Open Computer Man...
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