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Showing posts from 2016

Creating a personal budget using Excel

Excel is a great application to create your own personal budget. Given below is a screenshot of a sample budget. Task 1 : Create a worksheet as shown below Task 2: Create a 3D Pie Chart for expense as shown below Task 3 - Printing a Worksheet Task 4 - Autocalculate feature and Correcting Errors. 

Decision Table

Logical Modelling and decision tables Logical modelling involves modelling internal structure and functionality of a process. Decision tables are useful in logical modelling. Decision tables show logic inside a process, action(s) that needs to be taken when a condition or a set of conditions are satisfied. Use of decision tables used by developers to identify any discrepancies in business rules (Tarlinder 2016).   used for customer support in telecom industry to provide an optimal plan based on the customer's usage (Singh 2015). used in SAP HANA to specify business rules (Singh 2015) Used in Model based testing as inputs  (Kramer, Legeard, Bazzana, & Binder, 2016) . B usiness rules in decision table can be converted into arguments for parameterized testing  (Tarlinder 2016).  A Decision tables can be created using the following steps: Identify conditions  Identify actions that needs to be carried out when certain condition...

Requirements Gathering

Documenting Requirements

Adv Excel - W1Lab

Agenda Task 1 - Introductions Task 2 - Course Outline Task 3 - Blackboard  Task 4 -  MyITLab   Task 5 - Introduction to Excel 2013 Task 6 - Agenda Task 7 - Quiz Lab 1 - Introduction to Spreadsheets Part 1     1.    Open Microsoft Excel and save the new workbook. 2.        Select Cell A1, type “OK Office Systems Pricing Information” and press enter. 3.        Select Cell A3, type “Item” and press enter. 4.        Type “Computer System” and press enter. 5.        Type “Desk Jet Printer” and press enter. 6.        Type “Filing Cabinet” and press enter. 7.        Type “Task Chair” and press enter. 8.        Type “Solid Wood Computer Table” and press enter. 9.      ...