Logical Modelling and decision tables Logical modelling involves modelling internal structure and functionality of a process. Decision tables are useful in logical modelling. Decision tables show logic inside a process, action(s) that needs to be taken when a condition or a set of conditions are satisfied. Use of decision tables used by developers to identify any discrepancies in business rules (Tarlinder 2016). used for customer support in telecom industry to provide an optimal plan based on the customer's usage (Singh 2015). used in SAP HANA to specify business rules (Singh 2015) Used in Model based testing as inputs (Kramer, Legeard, Bazzana, & Binder, 2016) . B usiness rules in decision table can be converted into arguments for parameterized testing (Tarlinder 2016). A Decision tables can be created using the following steps: Identify conditions Identify actions that needs to be carried out when certain condition...