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Showing posts from 2012

Using Harvard Style in Word 2007

Microsoft Word 2007 by default do not facilitate Harvard Style Citation. Harvard Style Citation can be installed using number of methods. Given below is one of the easiest method of installing Harvard Style Citation. Goto to the link below: And download and extract the content to the following folder: %program files%\Microsoft Office\Office12\Bibliography\Style Voila! now you have Harvard Style every time you open Word 2007. Enjoy!

ASP.NET Web Services

Introduction to ASP.NET Web Services What are Web services? Web services provide some service or functionality over HTTP. Web service allow applications to inter-operate over networks. These services are exposed through endpoints. ASP.NET Web Services use the following four main technologies: HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) -  XML (Extensible Markup Language) -  SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) - Message protocol built on top of XML WSDL (Web Service Description Language) - Built on top of XML, WSDL is used to tell the world how to consume the web service. WSDL of a web service provides information that enables application to access service, know what methods are exposed and what parameters are required to invoke the method. Clients can create proxy class using information in WSDL.  Creating a super simple ASP.NET Web Service Open Visual Studio > File > New > Project > Select ASP.NET Web Forms Application under Visual C# > Web Tem...