DB Lab 2 - Select, insert, update and delete records with Java bean
- In the last lab, we looked at retrieving records. In this lab we will be looking at creating data entities using JavaBean classes. Create a JavaBean class to create instances of actor. This will be a simple class called Actor with the attributes matching each field in the actor table.
All getters & setters
- Create another class called ActorMgr that holds the following static methods
public static void getAllRecords()
public static Actor getRecord(int actor_id)
public static boolean insertRecord(Actor actor)
public static boolean updateRecord (Actor actor)
public static boolean deleteRecord (int actor_id)
- The Main method provides the following output:
Actor Table
1 - Display all Row | 2-Get a Row | 3-Add a new row | 4-Update an existing row | 5 - Delete a row
Select an option : >2
Enter the actor ID: >100
Actor Table
1 - Display all Row | 2-Get a Row | 3-Add a new row | 4-Update an existing row | 5 - Delete a row
Select an option : >3
Enter the first name: >Will
Enter the last name: >Smith
Success! Created a new row with ID 201.
Actor Table
1 - Display all Row | 2-Get a Row | 3-Add a new row | 4-Update an existing row | 5 - Delete a row
Select an option :> 4
<Displays a list of actors here>
Enter the actor ID: >201
Enter the first name: >William
Enter the last name: >Smith
Success! One record was updated.
<Displays a list of actors here>
Actor Table
1 - Display all Row | 2-Get a Row | 3-Add a new row | 4-Update an existing row | 5 - Delete a row
Select an option : >5
Enter the actor ID: >201
Success! One record was deleted.
<Displays a list of actors here>
Actor Table
1 - Display all Row | 2-Get a Row | 3-Add a new row | 4-Update an existing row | 5 - Delete a row
Select an option : >8
Invalid Option
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